Sunday, August 25, 2013

If I was to build a school

If I was to build a school in the Mobile County area, there would be many changes such as, having an anti bullying program, nutrients venting machines, and study hall available before and after school hours, with many tutors. Bulling takes place every day all around the world, a small change can help many people out. this anti bullying program can save a child's life. Kids don't understand how far they can push someone until it's to late, bulling is the number one leading causes of suicide according to Once a month the school should have a big mandatory meeting discussing the important's of respecting yourself and others. Bullying is nothing to play with and will not be tolerated under any circumstances. If anyone is involved in any bullying, they will be removed from the school permanently. This bullying program I would love to create would have so many positive benefits and positive outcome. Alabama is the 4th overweight state in the United States with Mississippi being number according to health.usnew.come. Our schools is a big part of children's life's. They spend more time at school then at home, so it is the schools responsibility to help these children get the right nutrients they need. Having a fruit stand would make a healthier kid then a candy machine. Small changes like these can really make a bug impact on the overweight percentage in the U.S. Kids should drink more water then caffeine. Sodas and Teas aren't the best idea for an athletic student to begin with. What you don't think matters really matters. Wouldn't it be great if everyone was naturally smart? Well for some of us, we don't get the one on one time and somethings just don't come natural. Study Hall would be a great opportunity to get homework done and not only catch up on your work but to get one on one assistants. In my school, teachers would have a duty to sign up for days to tutor these children who would need it. A little help can go a long way. If you have a big test coming up, no worries, go to the study hall! I would love to have many other changes and different opportunities to change in a school, but these three were my main focus. The most important one would be stopping the bullying. Bullying is a serious matter, that causes many suicides all around the world. Every school can have improvement. My school, everyone would be treated like a family, we were.


  1. Katie, I believe that these things you are describing are great things to focus on in a school and i believe every school should be focusing on these things you described, but what would you want the learning environment be like when the students are in class if you built a school? What would you expect of the students? What would you expect the teacher to be able to teach the students? Those are the questions I have concerning this post. This was a very interesting post. I thought it was interesting that you used statistical data to support your statements.

  2. "If I was to build a school" were, not was

    No breaks. You must learn how to insert breaks. See the page in Blog Post Assignments between Blog Post #1 and Blog Post #2 assignments.

    "...nutrients venting machines..." vending, not venting

    "Bulling takes place every day all around the world, a small change can help many people out. this anti" Bullying, not bulling; Capitalize This (starts a new sentence)

    " it's to late, bulling is the number one leading causes of suicide" bullying, not bulling; cause, not causes

    "...according to" should be a working link.

    ...discussing the important's of respecting..." importance, not important's

    "... health.usnew.come" This should also be a working link. It would not work, however because there is an e I think it is also usnews, not usnew.

    "Our schools is a big part of children's life's." Singular or plural. Make up your mind and be consistent. Depending on your choice life's would be either life or lives. Other choices that you must make: A or our; school or schools.

    "... schools responsibility ..." school's not schools

    "...a healthier kid then a candy machine." than, not then

    "...make a bug impact..." big, not bug

    "Sodas and Teas..." Teas should not be capitalized. What is the problem with tea? You may need sweetened in front of tea.

    "What you don't think matters really matters." What does this mean?

    "...somethings just don't come natural" some things, not somethings; naturally, not natural

    "...but to get one on one assistants." assistance, not assistants

    "My school, everyone would be treated like a family, we were." What does this mean?

    Where is your summary of Vensodale's post and Mitra's video. You must read/watch/listen to all parts of an assignment and then you must summarize each. I cannot tell whether you read Venosdale's post and watched Mitra's video. I presume that you did not.

    You have a major problem with your writing. Perhaps part of it could be successfully addressed with good proofreading. I think, however, that you should visit the Writing Lab in Alpha East or make use of other University writing assistance programs as described on p. 7 of the EDM310 Syllabus.


  3. This comment applies to Blog Post #2 which you have not posted.

    Comment on collaborative part of the assignment:

    Since Katie Nelson has nothing related to this assignment posted on her blog I must ask this question: Did she participate in the creation of this collaborative post? I know her name is listed as an author but it that a truthful statement?

    "Learning to dance takes practice and time." Does this apply to everything? If not, what are the exceptions?

    "... if the professors teaching method ..." professor's, not professors

    Thoughtful. Interesting.

  4. Thank you Katie for your post. It is quite different from my own "What If I Built A School" post, as you emphasize ideas I had not even considered implementing in my make-believe school.

    I do have to agree with Dr. Strange, though, about your use of grammar and the general spelling errors. I might suggest typing some sort of draft message in Word, then correcting your post as you go. Not too big of a deal, as many of friends have learned to become more effective writers over their years of college.

    Specifically about your post, the focus on anti-bullying was an idea I have heard from various sources and people, but never quite considered for myself. I was not harshly affected by bullying, and really only remember one instance of personal fear from another student in my 7th grade year. I do commend you for emphasizing this point, though. As you said, talking about bullying, and other forms of selfish thinking, can educate students on its seriousness in schools and give hope to those victims of such treatment.

    Your points about having better nutrition available to students is also very smart. It is a fact that school lunches and the general diet of Americans could lend more to organic and non-processed foods. Nutrient stands seem like an odd thing, in my opinion, to implement, but if this would help children maintain a healthier lifestyle, then I would gladly eat my words.

    Thank you again Katie, and good luck with your various future posts.
